Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sydney Olympic Park

Sorry about the delay in the postings here! We ran into a bit of wireless connection probs, but now think we have them smoothed out. So we will go back to the outing on Feb. 24, a Friday evening, beautiful clear skies, perfect for "Music by Moonlight" the last in a series of musical performances at the Sydney Olympic Park. The Sydney Symphony presented "A Touch of Mozart" as a tribute for the 250th anniversary of Mozart. We got to the park before dark and walked about a bit, had a picnic supper and then sat out on the lawn for the evening performance. Perfect, although... No moon!

Tom, chilling out before the crowds poured in and filled every available space!!

This is the Telstra Stadium, where I am sure lots of gold medals were won!!! Actually not sure which activities went on here.

The Olympic flame place, Cauldron?

Tried a light exposure during the performance, sort of get the feeling for the beauty of the evening.


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